Mission to raise money for medical treatment for Mia Ferreira was launched a year ago

The family of a severely disabled five-year old from Kilburn have reached a milestone in their quest to help her take her first ever steps.

Mia Ferreira from Kilburn, has severe cerebral palsy and is unable to walk.

Last October, her family embarked on a mission to raise �50,000 to fly her out for specialist treatment in Missouri, USA.

The Times has been closely following the family’s mammoth efforts which have included a 400ft abseil and various fundraising nights.

Most recently, Mia’s grandmother, Tessa Bastien took a plunge from the skies raising �3,000 after completing a skydive in Suffolk, taking their total past �40,000.

She told the Times: “October 1 2011 was when the first event was held for Mia, organised by my best friend at The Post Office Social Club, Greenford Road, Sudbury Hill.

“That event raised just under �1,700. Just imagine, almost 12 months on, with the help of so many people, friends and total strangers - all with the same goal in mind, Mia to undergo a life-changing operation in the USA.

“This would never have been possible without the input of so many people from all walks of life, all coming together for Mia!”