Figure has plummeted from �158,000 the year before

Brent Council has had to forkout �95,000 in compensation following complaints this year.

The figure was revealed in a report presented at a Brent Town Hall meeting on Monday.

However, the figure is smaller than the previous year when the local authority was forced to shell out �158,000.

Complaints to the council have fallen by 36 per cent compared with 2009/10.

The report says: “Compensation awarded in appropriate complaints makes good business sense for the council because it reduces the likelihood of a complaint escalating and therefore avoids the cost and reputational damage associated with escalated complaints and the intervention of the Ombudsman.”

Even though complaints to Brent Housing Partnership (BHP) was down by 21 per cent, �51,000 was still paid out following complaints to the arms-length management organisation which looks after the council’s housing stock.

There was also a 150 per cent increase in complaints about school admissions reflecting the lack of school places in the borough.