Capital City Academy was celebrating its GCSE results today, with one particular story standing out amongst the rest.

Efrem Tefsay, who collected his results today at the school, came to the UK just two years ago without being able to speak a word of English. Seeking asylum from Eritrea, the 15-year-old left his home country aged 11, and travelled through Sudan and Libya before arriving on British shores.

But his arrival at Capital City Academy marked a new start for him, and the staff and students at the school soon helped him settle in.

With the help of those around him, Efrem today collected remarkable results of four As, two Bs, one C and one D. These included As in both mathematics and science and a C in English, which he was particularly proud of. He now plans to go on to sixth form at the school, and dreams of being a surgeon one day.

Overall it was a good day for Capital City Academy, with 60 percent of exams being graded A* to C. Principal Alex Thomas congratulated his students, saying “to see so many happy faces this morning was a real pleasure.”