As part of their online learning, Year 6 pupils at Wembley Primary School were asked to write a poem about how they were feeling about life in lockdown. Here are some of the amazing results.

As part of their online learning, Year 6 pupils at Wembley Primary School were asked to write a poem about how they were feeling about life in lockdown. Here are some of the amazing results.

Our Doctors

By Muskan Abdul Nabi

I wore my armour of mask and gloves

I was ready to enter the battle.

The queue ran as far as the eye could see

Toilet paper was as rare as gold.

Our doctors are ready for you

Risking their lives to save ours.

The virus has not won the battle

Even though it’s spread like milk.

Now it is all over the world

The doctors are trying their hardest.

They’re putting everything aside

And helping us live our lives.

Corona Time

By Lamar Abdalla

It started in China where the virus spread,

It left us with nothing, not even some bread.

No eggs, no gloves, no masks, no flour,

No people outside, there is even a clapping hour.

At 8pm we clap so loud,

We use different objects to make different sounds.

The soldiers of England were brave to go to war,

Some have not returned so we need to send more.

While we stay inside the NHS save lives,

And we are at home cutting cake with a knife!

We stay inside until we get bored,

But keep in mind what the virus has stored.

Less Lives Lost

By Suhaib Debbih

Home learning, less lives lost,

Missing my classmates way too much.

Finding it hard to concentrate,

Working all day from eight till late.

Home learning, less lives lost,

We have to stop it no matter the cost.

The NHS, long and hard they’ve fought,

We clap every Thursday to show our support.

Home learning, less lives lost,

Everything’s on freeze I hope it defrosts.

NHS won’t get a rest,

This situation, it’s just a test!

No More Shaking Hands

By Omar Aden

No more shaking hands.

Don’t touch your face.

Never stand too close

In a crowded place.

A virus is among us,

Crowding our land.

Jumping from one to another,

Just by the touch of our hands.

We are now at war

With an enemy unseen.

We can all stay safe

If we keep our hands clean.

Doctors and nurses fighting dusk ‘til dawn

Some feel sick; some must push on.

We must keep safe and stay indoors.

While we are inside; they fight the war.


By Mohammed Hassan

Lockdown is scary.

That’s why you need to be wary.

To put a smile on faces

Don’t go places.

These times are rough.

That’s why you need to be tough.

I miss my friends.

I hate to see school end.

Heroes come in many forms.

Not all of them were capes.

When will this end?

I am always in my bed.

My family can’t see me.

Safety is the key.

Watch YouTube to see who features.

Missing my teachers.