A man from Cricklewood who carried out a vicious drunken assault resulting in his victim suffering a broken nose has been locked up.

Saleban Libane, 20, of Cricklewood Lane, chased Khalid Karim before attacking him in Luton town centre with two other men.

Luton Crown Court heard Mr Karim had drunk two pints of Guinness and the next thing he remembered was waking up in hospital and being treated for facial injuries.

Some of the violence was caught on CCTV and the court heard he had a cut to his left eye, and his nose had been broken after he had been kicked in the face.

The cameras caught Libane removing his belt in an act of aggression and Mr Karim being chased along the street.

After being caught by the three thugs, he was brought to the ground by them and 20-year-old Aston Chippendale was seen to deliver the kick to his face which broke his nose.

Mr Karim was also kicked as he lay defenceless on the ground.

The court heard he had to undergo surgery to his nose later and suffered headaches and breathing difficulties because of what had happened.

He had also suffered a loss of confidence because of what had happened and was now anxious when out on his own at night.

Libane, Chippendale and Michael Ronan, 23, both from Luton, were arrested at the scene.

All admitted assaulting Mr Karim in the early hours of May 18 last year.

Sentencing Libane and Ronan to 12 months in a young offenders institute and Chippendale to 14 months, Judge David Farrell QC, said: “It’s quite clear to me this was a joint attack on another man who was perceived to have wronged you in some way.

“The most serious aspect of the case is the fact that you, Chippendale, kicked that man while he was lying on the floor defenceless.”