As the weather improves, more of us relax outdoors and you can feel the true diversity of the borough.

Walk down any of our high-streets in summer and you will hear music, experience art, listen to languages and taste foods from across the globe; all in one corner of London.

Brent's multiplicity is one of the things that makes us special; but we are also a united community, bonded by our shared values and experiences.

Like me, one person who believed that what unites us is far stronger than what divides us was the late Jo Cox MP.

This year is the third annual Great Get Together, where we celebrate Jo's life and bring people together. We are supporting this welcome initiative by making grants available for residents or community groups who would like to get together over a BBQ, picnic, lunch or coffee morning on the weekend (21-23) which would have been Jo's 45th birthday.

Finally, with just six months until Brent begins its year in the spotlight, as London Borough of Culture 2020, our preparations are taking shape behind the scenes. Local people, organisations and creative groups across Brent will benefit from our £500,000 grant scheme to lead their own cultural activities.

Individuals are able to bid for up to £3,000 while organisations can apply for grants up to £10,000. This could be for projects of all shapes and sizes and across all art forms.

If you haven't put in a bid yet, please visit the council website for more information on how to apply for this.